Just Create It


Hello awesome people reading this! I have recently delved heavily into my art. My decision to start this blog plays heavily into my decision to start creating art again. There are a few things I have come to realize, that I have pointed out before, but want to continue beating in to my own head so that I don't forget. You don't always have to have an elaborate plan, or create a masterpiece to do what you love. So much of the time, I was so busy trying to come up with a plan for a piece of work, that more often than not, I just didn't create anything at all. My canvases and my sketch books began collecting dust in a dark closet and I forgot I had any kind of passion for anything at all. Even with this blog, I am always hesitant to come on and post anything without some elaborate plan for what I am going to write, but honestly, everything I have ever posted on here was never really planned. I opened up a draft and just started typing. It feels good to just do. I trust myself. I trust my passions and my creativity and from now on, I am going to just create without the need for a plan. I have done more in the creativity department in the matter of just a couple of months by implementing this philosophy than I think I ever have done in my entire life.

I have always been pretty confident in the things I do. Only the people who really know me can attest to this. Maybe it's gag inducing, but I have a lot of faith in myself. I am all I really have. I truly believe that I can accomplish just about anything that I really set my mind to, but I have never really set my mind to anything all that important to me. So here I am doing that. This is probably the only place where I will express myself in these ways. Other platforms will be used to display my work and keep a visual record for myself. This is my personal space to discuss whatever is on my heart. Right now, I need to use this space as a little encouragement. As I said above, I am pretty confident in myself. I always have been. Posting pieces of myself all over the internet is super scary. I think that I had this assumption that becoming "viral" or "Insta-famous" was super easy. People would be knocking down my door just to see what plans I had next. That's not at all the case and I feel super silly for thinking that way in the first place. Getting people to "notice" you takes ALOT of dedication, coordination and hard work.

I think I have spent more time on social media since beginning this journey than I ever have in my entire life. Truth be told, I was never a huge fan of social media, and honestly, I am still kind of on the fence about it. I do believe that it's an awesome tool, and will continue to benefit me in my journey. I have no plans to delete my social media presence, but I will say that coordinating all of my accounts has become a job in and of itself. After I am done with this post, I will go on to Pinterest and create a pin for people to click on to be redirected to my blog. While I appreciate the existence of social media, I also find it taking up a lot more time than I would hope. I can totally understand why actual famous people and influencers require a social media coordinator/ manager. It's just a lot. It has also taken a lot of the time away from times when I could actually be "creating" art. I have found myself just scrolling, when my time would be better spent sketching something or honing in on my actual passions.

In other news, I came across an amazing artist that "made it". Her blog has some pretty awesome resources for artists. One of the things that she has is a "Lesson Plan" for artists. Yesterday I started this. The fist lesson is to draw an object in front of you everyday for a week. She tells you to just focus on drawing what you see, and emphasizes that it doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to do it. I will be doing this, and will treat it just as I treat my workouts, not as an option but as a must. Another tip she gives out, is to attend art shows/fairs once you have enough art to display and sell. She attributes a lot of her success to her decision to do her first art show, and than many more later on. My plan is to try to attend at least one art show later in the year. It also costs quite a bit of money, so it's a big maybe. If not this year, I have given myself a deadline of next summer.

As busy and tired as I have been, I truly feel happy. Knowing that I am doing something for myself and my future is exhilarating. I have spent so much of my life just sprinting to the weekends, and now I truly feel that I am no longer doing that. I accomplish something new for myself Every. Single. Day. Whether it's posting on the blog, starting a new piece of art, discovering new awesome accounts on Instagram or just doing research about success or sometimes, all of the above. I am doing the thing and I truly feel that the name of my blog/brand is beginning to actually resonate with me and become a reality. I hope that whoever is reading this will take this to heart. We all have a passion, or many passions. I hope that you too can just begin doing the thing that you are passionate about. Do it in your spare time, and if it's something that you can not stop thinking about, I truly believe you need to use all of the energy you have to find a way that you can make money on doing that thing, whatever it is. It's not easy. It's a lot of work, and maybe I'm not the expert at it quite yet because I am still in the early stages of my journey, but I will tell you, even now, it is totally worth it. If there are people in your life who question you, or make it impossible for you to make time for the things you love, well you don't really need that anyways. Just hold on to those who are willing to follow you in your dreams, as big or impossible as they may seem. You only need to associate with big dreamers and doers now anyways. Nothing is out of reach, it's just a matter of doing it and continuing to do it.❤


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