

Hi friends! I thought it was about time for me to jump on here and put together a little post about the things I have been doing recently! For anyone interested in any of the content I have been sharing, and to anyone reading this right now, I just want to say thank you! Your support, no matter how it comes is truly appreciated!

For so long, I have been stuck. I know I have said this before, but this is truly the only word I know to use to describe my feelings over the past couple of years(28 to be exact 😂). Some of my decisions have also caused major setbacks in my own mindset and well-being, but also, much of my life has been spent dealing with the repercussions of  the actions of those around me. I have dealt with suicides, drug use by those around me, and the effects of those decisions on my own life. It has felt like I have been stuck in a whirlwind of bullshit for the better part of my adult life, most of which came from the actions of those around me. Honestly, I am fed up with it. I am sick of my life being put on hold in order to clean up the messes that others have made. It is not my responsibility. I will always love and support the people closest to me and plan to help in the ways that I can. But I am setting boundaries. I am done living my life holding my breath and waiting for the next shoe to drop that's not even my own. 

So this is where I start. I am out of the whirlwind, the landing was rocky, a couple of bystanders were struck and thrown out of my life (which I have come to realize is for the better). My vision was a bit out of focus for a moment. But now I can see clearly, and all I am worried about is what is ahead. Over the course of my entire life, I have known that I had an extreme passion. When I say passion with a period, that's exactly what I mean. I enjoy writing, and I enjoy reading. I enjoy drawing and painting and photography. I enjoy cooking and fine dining. I enjoy DIY and crafts, and I enjoy putting make up on and spending way too much money on clothes. I enjoy interior decorating and making things "cozy". I like hiking and camping and fishing. I love video games and Netflix and movies. I'm a girly girl sometimes but I am not afraid to get dirty either. I enjoy all music. I enjoy pilates and Cassie Ho and everything about that woman (idol). Through blogging, I have literally had to teach myself certain coding techniques. My skills are as vast as my interests. I make no apologies for any of it. I am who I am and I like what I like and from now on THAT IS MY FOCUS. 

There will be some who say "jack of all trades, master of none" well guess what? Wrong. Every single piece of knowledge that I pick up along the way becomes an obsession and if I haven't mastered it yet, just wait.

To all of those who are also Done Living for the Weekends, please come along for the ride. I am done hiding and I am out of my daze and I am ready to share my passions. Meaning, plenty of content is headed your way. I am super excited to see you here and hope you subscribe and follow me on everything! If you are reading this, leave a comment below and tell me how you found my blog! 🖤


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