Trying to Stay the Course


This weekend, I did a lot of cooking and a lot of eating. I am a big food fan, who isn't? Friday nights are usually nights where I treat myself to a pretty ridiculously lavish dinner. I either order something incredible or I make something indulgent. It's my little treat after a long week. For so long, cooking felt like a chore, and sometimes it still does. Mindfully creating three meals a day can be difficult, and I have yet to figure out the whole meal prep thing. I have, however, been doing a lot better in this area. If I have some vegetables, or protein that needs to be cooked before it goes bad, I have been pretty good about putting a healthy meal together with what I have on hand. For the most part, I stock up on healthy, whole foods. With Kyle home for awhile I have noticed that I slip a lot with my goals. It's not his fault, it's just something that we are going to have to figure out together. He tends to order food for us almost every night, and I have a hard time saying no to this. Ordering food is so easy. There is zero clean up and honestly that's a dream. After work, the last thing I want to do is figure out what to cook and then have to clean up afterwards.

The thing is though, I have felt like absolute garbage this week. I am bloated, my energy levels have plummeted, I have stopped keeping up with my food journal because I am not proud of what I have been feeding my body. We had pizza Thursday night, steak on Friday night, and Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday night. The steak thing was my idea. After work I went to the store and got a couple of ribeye's, some ingredients for a wedge salad, and we had some polenta and shrimp at home just waiting to be eaten. It was honestly so good and I don't feel bad about it at all. I took pictures of all that, but the wedge salad picture was the only one that looked semi-decent. Taking good pictures of food is honestly so difficult. It doesn't help that my dishware is older than I am. My kitchen is pretty low on storage space at the moment, so I plan upgrade when I have more than one cabinet to put my plates.

On Sunday, I realized that Kyle doesn't really care all that much what we eat. So much of the time, we struggle to figure this out in an attempt to make each other happy. He doesn't have the same goals as I do, but he has stomach issues that he should be mindful of and just isn't. I decided that I am going to start taking over in that department. I went to the grocery store by myself so as not to get distracted by his interest in chips and cookies. I bought a bunch of healthy whole foods and came home and told him what we were eating. I thought there was going to be a debate around this, but instead he said "ok baby". I made baja fish tacos with an avocado mouse and a mango and cabbage slaw/salsa. On the side we had cauliflower rice. It tasted so good, and we both felt good afterwards. 

I can't be mad about eating like crap while Kyle is here if I don't do anything to change it. I can't not plan meals and then be upset that he wants to order pizza. If I want to eat healthy most of the time, I have to take control of that aspect of my life. It also helps him in the long run, without him even knowing it! Win, win. 


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