So I guess Covid Really did Suck


If anyone has been keeping up with this blog, you might have gathered some truths about me.

  • I am a self described loner.
  • I like it that way.
  • I am a homebody.
  • I enjoy solitary activities.
I haven't always been this way. As you may have also read, I used to be a bartender/server and this was my job for most of my adult life. I enjoyed it, and still miss aspects of this life, I mainly miss being busy and on my feet at work constantly.

I used to be out and about all the time. Partying, making a fool of myself, meeting random people constantly and just making pretty poor life decisions overall. My only real alone time was the mornings/afternoons I would be sleeping in after a night out and nursing a hangover before my next shift.

Since leaving the life, I have become a person who proudly embraces all of the above bulleted traits in myself. When Covid hit in the beginning of last year, I really wasn't too worried about the affect it would have on my life. I know, I know, I am lucky to feel this way. Some people lost their jobs, their homes, or worse, their lives or loved ones. I don't deny the grief it caused others, but from a personal perspective, I truly was not worried about it. My job was safe, because it is considered "essential". My health is pretty decent overall, and even at that I had no plans to congregate amongst large groups of people. Wearing a mask is literally the easiest thing ever and running in and out of the grocery store was still an option for me so I was not going to starve. I never once ran out of toilet paper, despite my lack of hoarding it in a panic, which had somehow become a thing? Gyms were still open, and when they closed, briefly, I rediscovered Blogilates and now prefer this over the gym anyways.

Okay, but what I forgot about, and was not super concerned about at the time was  restaurants, and MOVIE THEATERS. In the beginning, they had to shut down briefly, and I was still not all that worried about it. I could go a month or two without going to see a movie or going out to eat. It will be just fine, I told myself. Until two months turned into 6...and so on. I started to get real annoyed. If you read my last post, you know that my boyfriend is an OTR truck driver. He is only here a week or so out of every month. We try to cram a lot in to a little bit of time when he is here. We try to discover new restaurants together, a lot of the time we will order take out or cook(we are both phenomenal cooks, lol) but occasionally we like to go sit down and eat, who doesn't? 

We often rent movies or spend an hour trying to find a new one that neither of us have seen on Netflix or Hulu or Amazon, or On Demand(excessive, I know, but who actually finds an agreeable movie in a couple minutes on one streaming service?) Going to the movie theaters and ordering a large popcorn with extra butter is one of my favorite things to do, and we were no longer able to do that. When I came to this realization, that is when I became frustrated. Superficial? Maybe, but honestly my mental health suffered from not being able to just go and do things like that on the drop of a dime. Neither of us are very good at making plans like that, so if we are going to have a date it has to be something that requires very little thought and very little planning. 

I was looking for something in my jacket pocket while at work today and pulled out our movie theater tickets from this weekend, so happy that they are bound to litter my purses and jacket pockets once again. For Valentine's Day, we got to go to the movies! And we didn't even buy tickets until like an hour before the movie started! After the movie, we were both craving sushi, dread began to set in, because we hadn't made reservations anywhere. We took a chance and drove to a nearby sushi restaurant, walked in and were seated immediately! Honestly, for us, it's the little things. May movie theaters never stop being a thing and may our favorite sushi restaurants never have a wait! Pushing it on that one? Probably, but I would say worth a shot! It's all about that manifestation!


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