Logo's and Marketing


Hi again friends! I decided I needed some sort of cute logo for the blog and Etsy shop. I have been doing a lot of studying other people's blogs and shops, to see what they are doing that I think works and makes a difference. I whole heatedly believe that marketing, and optics are super important for any business of any kind. I think that when you spend more time on these kinds of things people are drawn to it. I try to recognize the things that draw me in (when making a purchase, when reading a blog..etc.)and it's definitely more often than not a matter of how visually pleasing it is. As much as I try to live by the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover", that's something that people also don't just passively live by when scrolling social media. That's probably, most likely the first thing that's done without even knowing it. Depending on your goal, I believe that you have to spend some time on things like logo's and photography. As much as I have tried to stray away from the seemingly vain world we are living in, I have also come to realize that it's kind of the name of the game now. 

Now by no means am I claiming that this logo is the best that's ever been, nor will it necessarily be the only one I do. I like what I made for now, and I am happy that I finally have a logo that I feel captures everything I am trying to do and can be used to seamlessly link all of the pieces together.🖤


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