Snow Days

 This week has been particularly difficult, I was drafting up a blog post last night after a pretty tough day at work. Honestly my thoughts were pretty all over the place and I couldn't write a cohesive thought down to save my life. I have found it to be increasingly true, that sometimes sleeping on something really does make all the difference. I was just so mad and tired and emotionally exhausted yesterday and I could hardly think straight. 

Yesterday it had been snowing here for three days straight. Normally, I love the snow and the cold weather. I am a big time home body(when I can be). There is nothing I love more than curling up on the couch watching some Tv or reading or painting while watching the snow fall outside. It always puts me in such a great mood. There is something absolutely magical about the snow. I have always felt this way, and tend to have a hard time relating to someone who would choose to live somewhere without snow. This week, though, that feeling couldn't be farther from the truth. I have to work during the week. I have to get out of my warm comfy bed with my warm doggo and leave my cozy warm house to brave a 30 minute drive to come into an office and stare at a computer screen. Maybe my warm and cozy vibes in relation to snow are remnants of my childhood. My childhood, when snow days were a thing, and more often than not snow meant staying home from school in my warm cozy bed. 

Yesterday I was angry. I was angry that I had to leave my cozy home to drive in treacherous
conditions(yet again) just to come to an office where the environment is currently pretty toxic and just all around miserable. When I arrived to work, most of the people were not here at all, but I was. I forced myself out of the house, but they couldn't. They stayed home in their cozy beds and didn't have to worry about the roads or respond to the emails or answer to anyone. A lot of the time at work, I feel like I am back in college or high school where I have been assigned a group project, all the while knowing full well that I was going to be doing most of the work. That is what it is like here at work right now. I feel overwhelmed, underappreciated, and just pretty fed up. Yesterday I griped to my boyfriend over video chat for about half an hour about how frustrated I was, and lemme tell you that helped tremendously.

Today, I slept in a little bit(unintentionally) but honestly I didn't feel bad in the least for doing so. I felt revived, and I absolutely needed that extra hour of sleep to reset. Today, the sun has appeared for the first time in what feels like forever, the ice is melting and I don't have to drive like a grandma on my way home from work. I don't have to shovel my driveway when I get home and the roads will be better tomorrow morning. Today, some issues that were nagging at me yesterday have been resolved or will be shortly. Today I feel better, even if only briefly. Today, I can sit down and type out a cohesive thought that is worth sharing. Today the sun is shining and I can think straight and understand my emotions. Yesterday I was tempted to quit my job, today I realize how crazy that would have been. I feel better for now, and that's good enough. Maybe next time, the snow will come on a weekend. 🤞 ( I also have an air fryer being delivered today to greet me when I get home, so that could, possibly, have something to do with my mood shift today 🤣🙌)


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