Life Hack-Pretty Pictures and Presets

You guys, first of all, I love wiener dogs. They are the best. Of course, I love my baby the most of all of them. I want to introduce you all to Loki. He's my best boi and my best friend. I kept trying to take a picture of the little turd during our walk, and the only time I could get one was when he stopped to pee, which happens about every 5 feet during our "walks", so considering this, you can hardly even really call it a walk. Loki will be a recurring figure in my posts to this blog! 🐶This brings me to my main point, look at these pictures, you guys! I have struggled trying to get my pictures to look as good as some of my friends (influencers😂). I will call them my friends with confidence. They kept trying to "sell" me presets. Honestly I never bought into it-see what I did there? I was frustrated with how much time I spent editing pictures to post, and they never even looked that good when I was done. So I did some research and bit the bullet, spent 15 buck and downloaded one to my phone. Obviously this is not an ad, because this is literally my second post to this blog. This is just for anyone interested in the idea and wondering what the point is. I love that I can take a picture now, and add a preset and it looks like that. Even if you aren't big on social media, just taking your own pictures for your own home and frames, adding one of these before printing makes a huge difference!
Friend to friend just do it if you have a few bucks to spare and enjoy documenting your life through pretty pictures. Just one of many life hacks to come! 



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