A New Bloggers Thoughts on Blogging


I started my new blog on January 14th. My intention and reason for starting it was to fulfill a piece in my life that has been missing for too long. I enjoy writing and always have. Before the blog, I have attempted to write countless novels. Each draft has inevitably turned into a document deleted or saved without opening again. I have story ideas in mind, but I am having serious trouble putting my thoughts together in a cohesive manner while also finding joy in putting it together. I have a destination, I'm just struggling to find the journey and make it feel authentic and as though I am following a character with real thoughts and adventures of their own. Oftentimes when I am writing, I tend to attach my own experiences and personality to the character rather than creating a separate entity that has nothing to do with me. Blogging was the correct direction for me to take. My hope is that this allows me to speak about myself -my interests, my struggles, my experiences, and my day to day life- in order to free up all of those thoughts swimming around in my mind. Hopefully this allows me to dream up an authentic, relatable protagonist to begin writing about, rather than unintentionally writing about myself. 

Creating a blog is serious work. I have taken up coding since starting this blog. I can't count the number of times I have looked up "how to find html code in my Blogger profile" on Google, thank God for the vast knowledge on all subjects that's just a click away. I had this extreme surge of energy when I started this. It's exhilarating to pour your thoughts out with the probability that someone is going to read this and they are possibly going to find it interesting and inviting and someone else might find it completely dreadful. It's a bit scary knowing your thoughts are on the world wide web for anybody to see. It's also always  exciting to start something new. I needed to do something for me desperately. Something that didn't consist of checking items off in my Amazon wish list. This is exactly what I needed, but like most everything that I do, my mind tends to morphe into, well ok but now how can I make money off of this? I don't think I can or even want to change that, but I think that treating this as a form of self-expression for now rather than a hefty business endeavor without any clear direction is probably the best way moving forward for now. I have found myself getting very discouraged, overly enthusiastic, and completely overwhelmed in past few days because of my approach to all of this.

For now I am going to focus on the reason that I started this in the first place and quit obsessing over how much exposure my blog has had. This is my public-personal diary for now until I decide on my next endeavor. Happy Reading Friends! 💓


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